Tuesday, March 31, 2009

another moon based entry

this picture i took at the back of POINT PLUMMER in Jan 07.  It is a location that has recently made Nathan Oldfiel's new film (SEAWORTHY).  it s just north of Port Macquarie.  Amazing place. 
It started me thinking, am I seaworthy?  do I qualify to be in the ocean, at peace, and receive its gifts ?  If not, does it mean I should not be there, that it may expel me from from it ?  via an injury, or predator's meal ?  anyway.  

i cant wait for T.Campbell's new film (THE PRESENT)....fab has ordered me copy and i almost can not wait for it's arrival. almost.

last saturday i found myself beachbound again.  I was tired as usual from a big week, but inspired by the possibility (self made promise) of good waves.  

it was super fun, but the waves did not want me on them.  funny that.  

we also saw a 'controlled' burn in the national park behind Anglesea.  didnt look that controlled, but maybe we are all just a bit sensitive to clouds of smoke right now. 

Monday, March 23, 2009

MondaY mornings are normally b & w

it was monday morning 
and that was a yellow balloon

it made its previous owner happy, maybe.  i hope

either way - it became the standout of MondaY morning

Sunday, March 22, 2009

TACO's are a poor man's fajita

it felt like it was summer's last visit to me for 0809.  its probably not, but a great excuse to base my weekend around multiple ice creams anyhow.

the first thing i did on saturday was go for a surf (in boardshorts) with my buddy LE CHEF.     he's a surfboard shaper, and he just got a job a Quiksilver.  he's stoked.  
(but it has nothing to do with the accompanying boobs)

here we are on a midnight ice cream run 

and here we are on a midday ice cream run

on Snday afternoon, i went and saw TOBY KNOX play at the blue tile lounge.  Can play. 

and to finish Sunday, I destroyed some chook fajitas.  

=  I was about as INSPIRED as one can hpe to be on a sunday night.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Out go the fires.

SOUND RELIEF.  Out comes the rain, and in comes the fun. 

Concert Highlights are very subjective.  I was inspired by with  Augie march and Paul kelly. the OILS made my calves the sorest. 

And the Finn's are right, she will have her way.

Monday, March 9, 2009

what's left ?

i do not want monday to have a harmful emotional arousal over my next statement,  but a monday that feels like a sunday is the best kind of monday.  me sipping.  dad glaring.  and rupert guarding.  the direction we're all looking invites the question what's left?

looking at these photos, its a question that's so obvious + an answer that so illusive (for some)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

I had a CAT called harvey.

"you cannot live only on hope.  but without it life is not worth living".  Harvey Milk (1978AD)

so anyway, i watched MILK tonight and it deserves great respect.  As does Sean Penn.  

Here in lies the first (uneventful) post from some 'on shore' movements.    

Saturday, March 7, 2009

the travel montage continues

some carefully chosen but randomly involved photos I recently took.  whilst off shore.....a winter european visit opens my eyes like i think they were meant to be.  and  i wanted you to see a few of the things that felt right to me.

Day 2 (berlin)
me smiling

me envying those whose faith sustains them

me glad the human spirit prevailed

Day 8. (london)

Day 9 (malta)

sunsets over the Mediterranean always take longer to finish