Sunday, February 20, 2011

Updated Movements of a Short Man (and his dog)

This weekend, I took my pooch (Rupert) down to the beach. He has a new friend = Ooh La La. And although he has name envy, they are great chums. (Rupert is the Sausage)
We swum, surfed (a few times), Hung out with great friends (Ben & Liz) - and reaffirmed how a weekend in summer should be spent - family, friends, and getting sideways (surfing!).

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

12foot bowl. Bring your pads?

The New Skatebowl at BarBeach Newcastle is no joke. 12 feet and f@cken counting. Good job Mark.

Scooter Goobers Beware.

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