Sunday, August 16, 2009

u know your at BAWBAW when....

there's dimmey's snow walking boots tags in the car park 
FYI _ dimmey's have renewed their lease.

and, this find is still single. she has mega style, dry knickers (which means she one-up's me) - and moves up from a 4/10 at buller to a 7/10 at bawbaw.    
in which case, why wouldn't u? ....

amnesia is just like having a faulty camera - but better.

here i will just reCAPP THE recent happs.  and by happs i refer to things i dont think i would have remembered adequately without ruining the moment with a flash.  maybe i just have no confidence.
"i keep forgetting, then re-realising, that life still holds some mystery; and its epic"

1. authorative Sirens are to Sheparton what Coffee is to Melbourne,  just part of the program.  driving from albury to the hotpig. 

2. surfing your buddies couch is always a gamble.....this one paid off big time!!!!
hotham couch surf (woke up to the bestest best waves ever!!!) =
3. brisbane often looks like this after a night in the valley.  i hate 6am flights, I hope the pilots get loading. 
4. keeping kids on shred.  not my line but some people dont know that. fALLs.  ALLtime. 

5. and finally.  Jindy in the winter (rain). tip - imagine you are looking at this with 'magpie to the morning' (NEKO CASE) playing in the background from you car you left running because you pulled over in a hurry because the view took your breath somewhere else.  who said faulty cameras are annoying